Music Theory Magic
When I first started teaching music theory online, I quickly had a number of requests to teach the ABRSM grade 6 theory exam, which...
Music Theory Magic
Moonlight and Mode Mixture
School of Music Theory News - Grade 7 Theory starting next term!
Satie Around the Circle of Fifths
I'm a Circle of Fifths Nerd!
An essay in voice leading
Why I like the ABRSM Grade 6 Theory exam
Chords are like actors on a stage
When a C chord is dissonant
The big secret to becoming a good sight reader
The problem with ABRSM sight reading
Sight Reading Story Number 5
Sight Reading Story Number 4
Sight Reading Story Number 3
"Every Good Boy Does Fine" is not fine!
Sight Reading Story Number 2
Sight Reading Story Number 1
Better Music Through Theory